Ready to take the next step in your author business?

Author Business School

Use Framework Masterclasses To Build Your Author Business.

Customize How You Implement What You Learn

What is a Framework Masterclass?

It is a straight to the point, no-fluff masterclass (each averages an hour or less), that teaches you a basic framework that you can customize for your situation and skill set, right out of the box. And we are proud to present this amazing bundle of framework masterclasses that will save you time and money while helping you achieve your biggest goals!

Attention Entrepreneurs and Authors

You don't need more expensive courses,

what you need are frameworks

If you are overwhelmed with all the things you have to do for your online author business...

...then this may be the most important letter you read all year.

All these $2000 courses and 1000s of hours of training will put you into a cycle or overwhelm that will either burn you out or discourage you enough to quit. It nearly did me.

The so-called path to Guru status may be paved with good intentions, but they can also be the shortcut to frustration.

Does this sound familiar to you?

You realize you need to do something for your business, like writing a book, launching a course, or hosting a virtual summit.

Let’s say it is a book.

So you go searching around for who creates the courses or coaching on book writing. You then spend 2-5k (some of them charge you 5k for a few coaching calls, what the...?) and/or 10 - 12 months learning an unnecessarily complex system.

Almost always, you were completely capable of doing it all yourself in the first place. You just needed a jumpstart. You just needed a little guidance.

Actually, all you needed at the time was a framework.

If that is you, don’t sweat it. That was me too.

I spent well into 6 figures and years of my precious time trying to figure out all the possible skillsets I need and creating the digital assets I needed for my business.

I finally said enough is enough.

If you want rare access to transforming yourself into the guru you were meant to be, keep reading this letter.

You don't need more Expensive Courses,

You learn by renting my Framework Masterclasses

for $1.57 a day

A Little Warning...

But first, why this may not be for you...

If you have money and time to burn, and like the thrill of getting a new huge course but not consuming it, then this may not be for you. If you value a course based on length of content, or like the next big thing that "everyone" is promoting, this probably isn't for you.

Also, tire kickers usually don't get much out of my programs.

The primary goals of what this program are:

  • Completion (you actually finish everything I send you)

  • Efficient Consumption, that means each course and framework can be consumed easily (normally less than 1 hour)

  • Easy To Use Framework, so you can start the same day with the framework you learned, which then lets you create your own over time

  • No frills or fluff. Though I tend to use humor and stories to illustrate points, I do not load the content with fluff.

But if you straight to the point, framework that is given to you (not that you have to decipher or create yourself, then this service can definitely help you and fast.

Here's the deal

I’ve created a program where you can skip the painful and expensive process of "course collecting."

You probably already know what I mean. It is the time consuming and frustrating bit of researching, and then buying expensive courses that you most likely have no chance of ever finishing.

Here's the problem with all those high cost, lengthy courses:

  • They are expensive (notice how they are almost always $1997 ? )

  • They are excessively long and full of "fluff"

  • You have to not only try to get through them, but then create your own system to extract what to do from them all (you end up having to develop your own framework from the course itself)

Have you ever had to do that?

You know when you are going through a course or video and trying to figure out how you are going to implement it, so you end up creating your own checklist or framework just to use what you bought.

That gets old quick.

Oh yea, and then after all that you realize you are better off hiring someone to do it for you?

That's right.

You spent thousands of dollars and 10-20 hours just to realize it would have been better to have it done for you?

But if you just had a framework to start with, you could easily decipher what you can or should do, and what should be outsourced.

Which brings me to a little secret you can learn the hard way or the easy way. The easy way is simply considering that...

Your primary goal as an authorpreneur is to protect your time.

You can only protect your time if prioritize ...

The efficient consumption of information.

That's it.

So how can you consume the information you need to know, avoiding extraneous information and get right to the frameworks you need access to?

Oh, yea and also how can you skip the 2k-a-pop pricing for information for masterclasses with 20 hours of videos?

Without losing any key strategies or tactics?

It's called Author Business School

At Author Business School, you are the budding authorpreneur. Now you have to protect your time, but also expose yourself to all the necessary frameworks you may need in your business.

Every month Author Business School releases something you need in your business. Topics like:

  • Setting up your Optin Page

  • Internet 101 (for non-techies)

  • Direct Sales of Your Book

  • Selling One-to-many via Webinars

  • Email Marketing

  • Course Creation (including how to make money creating them via a pilot)

  • Building your list, network, and income with Virtual Summits

  • Creating Irresistible Offers

  • Copywriting

Author Business School isn’t free, but at literally a cup of coffee a day, it is probably way less than you have been paying or had planned to invest.

Each month the content is designed to deliver to the skill sets you need to elevate your status, build an audience and increase your income.

And it definitely isn’t for everyone. But if you have read this far, I suspect it is for you.

Author Business School is my answer to overload, it is a “course and framework each month” system to give you quick and easy frameworks for most of the key ingredients to your business.

But instead of paying thousands of dollars for each and every course you need, you enroll and receive a course/framework equivalent every month that you remain enrolled.

Say goodbye to those obsolete and expensive so-called “lifetime” deals.

Have you ever gone back into that 30 hour masterclass?

I have rarely done it myself. It is a nightmare trying to find anything you are looking for in 30 modules that are each 45 minutes long.

But with Author Business School, each month you receive a new course that gives you the framework for your skillset.

For example...

If you are a struggling author, you need to learn how to make income, increase influence and build your audience beyond the trivial royalties.

Most book “influencers” won’t teach you that. They want you to learn their “proprietary” way to run ads. Yet, very few people make enough royalties (even with these ad courses) to make it worth their time.

Now, if you love running Amazon ads, great. But I doubt you do, or that would be your niche, right?

So if most courses put blinders on you, and bury you in unnecessary content, what are you to do?

You need a book, among many other things, but you also need big picture perspective.

What we found is what we call the Author Business School Success Path.

It is 5 stages every author will eventually go through (using different tools and tactics) to get to the Author Business promised land.

When you are just starting out, and maybe have published a book, you will more than likely discover you are not at the end of your journey but the very beginning.

We call that the Plant Your Flag stage. That is where everyone starts, and most are overwhelmed by all of the things you have just realized you need to learn (or at least think you do). That is where we start focusing on building YOU INC. The business of YOU that suits your preferences, goals and desires. In this stage we get your plan in place, and also teach you about the types of tools you can use to build your empire.

Once that is done, you move to the second stage, the Build Your Audience stage. Even though many have started some type of list building, putting one or many mechanisms in place that will consistently add raving fans to your audience. We do this with what we call The Authority Hub. Your Authority Hub will be unique to you.

Once your Authority Hub is in place, you will move to the status and higher income stage: Selling Your Book Direct. This is more than merely selling and fulfilling your book outside of the big platforms (like Amazon), but building a sales funnel that will sell more than just your book. Naturally, by selling from your own site, you will increase your income. But you will also massively increase your status as an author and in your niche.

Next you build your Digital Portfolio, the next steps for your audience. The items the will purchase and consume that take them beyond your book. This is where you add your courses and other High Ticket items.

Once you have your initial program assets in place (you will always be building assets), you move to the Recurring Income stage. Here you will use advanced strategies to set your income up on autopilot. At this stage, you will then spend most of your time building recurring income assets.

The Masterclasses in Author Business School teach you the foundational strategies, and are supplemented with our world class tactical instruction for moving you through each of these stages.

Join this Exclusive Program for Authors

You learn by renting my Framework Masterclasses

for $1.57 a day

If you like what you have heard so far...

Here's What To Do Next

If you like what you have heard so far, consider joining today.

Click any of the "Join" buttons on this page.

You will get access to your own Author Business School members portal (hosted in Pubfunnels™). You will get instant access to the instant the first module and any surprise bonus masterclasses we might sneak in there.

Then on the first of next month (and each thereafter) you will get your next masterclass and framework.

Each month that you continue your enrollment, you will get notifications about the next coming course. It will be added to your portal the first week of the month (usually on the first day of the month).

None are longer than 2 hours, but they are all excellent.

When I consume content myself, I am always looking for what is the most important aspects and how to create a framework.

In a sense I do that, because once I have my own framework I am off to the races with my own implementation. And that translates to a simpler process of teaching a framework to you.

Join this Exclusive Program for Authors

The investment is about $1.57 a day

Here is that one catch...

This is a non-refundable, limited time offer

This offer is currently exclusively available to people on my email list.

I don't advertise this on Facebook, or anything like that.

I don't need to. For no other reason than I prefer not to deal with cold traffic with this program.

This really is only for people who already know me (if you have read my books, seen my on one of my summits, or are on my email list).

Or for people who have been referred to me by someone else.

Either way, then you kinda have a feel for the kind of content I produce.

If you have any doubts, I would request that you first join my email list and see what I am about.

There also is no money back guarantee with this offer. You can cancel anytime, but because it is so valuable I am not looking for the freebie seekers or cancelers.

That is another reason you may want to get to know me first, and that is completely ok with me.

But do you really have the time?

My mantra is I don’t want to burn my most precious commodity, which is time.

And that is the impetus behind this exclusive program.

Now, frankly, I am going to get some people that say Author Business School is too expensive, and if you are one of those, I am happy to part now as friends. This is a no-brainer to the right authors.

I will also have people questioning why this is so cheap. Weird, right? It is all about perspective, which is another thing we teach in some of our masterclasses on offers and pricing.

I agree, that this is underpriced based on the value. I am not even close to what I will be charging later.

But it is also a way I find my peeps.

About half of the people I partner with today are those who came in first as clients, at many different price points. So, yes, there are selfish reasons to keep your investment low (for now).

"It is like Christmas every month"

Some of this content I am known for, either via my done-for-you services or prior courses. But it has all been polished into easy to understand and execute frameworks.

Each month you should be able to consume and implement key pieces of your Author Platform.

I tend to focus on the biggest bang for the buck processes. That is those that will build authority, your email list, your income and connections with influencers. Preferably the skillsets that do many of those at once.

Join this Exclusive Program for Authors

You learn by renting my Framework Masterclasses

for $1.57 a day

Here is what we cover

Your First 6 Months

Month 1

Internet 101 and Optin Funnel

You will learn:

  • Learn about Domains, Subdomains and Pages

  • How the internet finds locations via DNS Settings

  • How to set up your email (Inbox vs CRM)

  • How and why to use short links

  • Build your Optin Funnel

Month 2

The Authority Hub

Create a system to earn income, build your email list and attract partners. This is the only system you may ever need.

Inside The Authority Hub Masterclass:

  • Decoding the Authority Hub

  • Building one or multiple Authority Funnels

  • Customize an Authority Hub to your Skillset

  • Put the Hub on Autopilot

Month 3

One-To-Many Sales via Webinars

The #1 way to ramp of sales of anything online is a Webinar. You don't have to wait to learn this, because we will provide a simple formula for how webinars work.

You will learn:

  • Maximize your time and reach by selling one to many

  • Learn the human nature behind webinars and how to construct your slideshow

  • Put your tech on autopilot with Pubfunnels

  • Recruiting Partners and Running Live Webinars

Month 4

Email Marketing Empire

In this masterclass framework, you will learn:

  • How to massively grow sales, using Email as your primary marketing tool

  • Where, How and When to implement Email Marketing in your Authority Funnel

  • The counterintuitive approach to emails that makes you look better to your audience, and makes sales automatically

  • Turn your business into a 1 hour per day endeavor

Month 5

Pilot Course Mastery

Once you discover the secret that everything you do should first be a pilot, you will use this system to build everything you do.

You will learn:

  • The must-have template for creating your couse

  • Why everything you create should be a pilot

  • How to have massive success launching a pilot from your Authority Funnel

  • Creating a Pilot Course Funnel (the tech side)

  • A simple structure for course creation that makes it easy

Month 6

Direct Sales Publishing

Selling direct will become imperative over the next couple of years. For a serious author, it already is.

Learn why:

  • How we use Endcap Publishing to maximize the revenue per book

  • Structuring an offer for your book (which you can do when you sell direct)

  • Creating a direct sales "Bookfunnel" to increase authority and your income

The Author Business School

Monthly Schedule

  • First Week of the Month - Training is Released

  • Second Week of the Month - Behind the Scenes (with Ray)

  • Third and Fourth Weeks - Implement and Catch Up

  • Quarterly Live Event - with Me or an Expert in our Publishing Space


What is a Framework Masterclass?

A Framework Masterclass has two main goals. The first is speed of consumption. Most of our courses are around an hour or less, that means you can start applying the principles within a few hours. Have you ever purchased a course, only to realize it would require 40 hours of your time just to consume?  

Yea, that is not fun, nor is it necessary.

We curate our courses based on quality and time to consume.  The second goal is to provide you with a framework that you can use the first time, right away, and then begin to customize the framework for your situation and skillset. It is an excellent way to both learn and create your own processes. 

Is there a money back guarantee?

No, when we rent our masterclasses like this, there are no refunds. You may cancel anytime. Simply do it 72 hours before your next payment.

Author Business School costs less than a cup of coffee per day. If you are unsure because you don't know Ray well enough, it is totally cool to wait until the next open enrollment.

How are the classes delivered?

Our courses our delivered through our Pubfunnels™ platform. You can use that as your hub as everything you purchase will be there or linked to from inside your members portal. 

What should I do if I didn't receive get my login information?

Once you purchase, you will receive access to our members portal (hosted in Pubfunnels™). You will receive an email from Ray Brehm with account setup links. If you did not receive the email, check spam or simply go to our portal login page (link below) and reset your password (using the email you purchased with).  

Here is the portal:

You can start on the path to your dream Author Business

By renting my Framework Masterclasses

for $1.57 a day

You Instructor

Ray Brehm

Ray Brehm is USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, and the founder of the Pubfunnels™ software platform, the #1 Business Hub for Authors.

He is known for taking the complexity out things like of virtual summits, self-publishing, book marketing and audience building using what he calls an Authority Hub system.

Ray is a member of the National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™ and The National Association of Experts, Writers & Speakers®. He has been featured on America’s Top Authors™, CNN, CNBC, FOX News and USA Today.

He is the author of over 20 titles including these fan favorites: Book Profit Secrets, The Author Startup, Bestseller Book Launch, Author Inc and The P.T. Barnum Method.

One Last Thought...

A year from now, you will be somewhere.

The question is where?

I know for me, some years were the huge boosts for my business, and some not so much.

The years that I leapt forward, were the years when I figured out how to process and create things much faster. Those all centered around learning frameworks and implementing them.

They were the years I learned to consume information efficiently.

What does the next year look like for you?

Will you arrive at your desk in the morning, still frustrated and overwhelmed?

Or will you take action and ...

Write that book, become a bestselling author, host a virtual summit, webinar, podcast or mastermind.

I can confidently say you can accomplish any of those things, and probably in shorter time than you think.

Because once you have a system to implement, it becomes your own. And it gives you confidence and the ability to execute.

There is no need to wait any longer on those "have to do items" on your guru list. You can have a book, a summit, a course, a program... and learn to do them with simple easy to implement frameworks.

I hope you will join me in Author Business School, because you are the authorpreneur your audience is waiting for.

To your success!

@ Pubfunnels™ 2024.

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